Inspiring meeting with Professor Marmar Mukhopandhyay and Educational Technology and Management Academy

From the village to the world.
The professor started with telling us about a very special event he was organizing for students in the village schools from how his home region outside of Calcutta. Achievement has to be recognized to instill confidence and create an identity. He was telling us about the gifts and toys he would be giving out, the graduates and doctors who would come to the village for the ceremony. The homecomers would award the students and the students would give awards to the homecomers. He was very present and enthusiastic in all that he shared with us.
Learning and learners are transforming. Teaching and teachers have to do the same. Digital education and leadership in schools and institutions is what Professor Mukhopadhyay has been working with and his publication list and number of books is extremely long. The proceeds go directly to the village model schools he runs.
He also told us about his school mate Sugata Mitra who has delivered a TED talk about the "whole in the wall" experiments to study how children learner to use computer technology. Yes, you should look that up. Now the mobile technology, miniaturization together with OER, open education resources have changed information and learning landscapes forever.
Having worked in the United States and Great Britain and of course UNESCO, the professor referenced many books (and showed us a number of his own), coined phrases, emphasized the role of the teacher to inspire...
I truly don't know how to put all of it into words. We were granted an invitation to stay in his village and to visit the school. He promised to be there if we came. His office and organization are in Delhi were we met.

I will make a list of all the memorable phrases tomorrow. Off to Nepal in the morning.
