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An everyday life-work-research blog...

How's that sound? I think I've got the hang of this blog thing... not the formating or style... the writing. That just means I actual do it.

When we were outside of Delhi meeting Professor Mukhopadhyay (just finished his 26th book and has been retired 12 years, proceeds go to his village's schools outside Kolkata... Anyway could have fooled me) he said a lot of people say "I want to write a book." Message- stop saying it and do it. Good advice. The other was that we need to think more. Tell kids to think. Teach them to think.

I figured out that's what you do when you blog. Think. Write. Astounding, isn't it? It's not such a well kept secret that I was and continue to be a slow learner. Maybe it sticks better then. Let's hope.

BTW Professor Mukhopadhyay (if I keep writing his name I may be able to say it without a prompter) is a brhamin (priest, academic... born into it). Just let's say it means a lot in networking.
